Probao sam ali mi onda ne radi konfiguracije za rs.conf
rsconf = {
_id: "rsnmbp",
members: [
_id: 0,
host: "rs10:27018"
_id: 1,
host: "rs11:27019"
_id: 2,
host: "rs12:27020"
_id: 3,
host: "rs13:27021"
_id: 4,
host: "rs14:27022"
“errmsg” : “Quorum check failed because not enough voting nodes responded;
Tu sam našao da ako mongo ne sluša na istoj porti mora se konfigurirati autentikacija što mi se čini prekomplicirano.
When running on different hosts mongod processes needs to authenticate between them selves. That’s another level of complexity that, I think, made the mongo staff to write the course using different ports on the same machine. In this case, cluster membership does not need to be authenticated.
Kako izgleda tvoj rs.conf s kojim si konfigurirao replicaSet ?
Jesi morao složiti autentikaciju ?